

Customs Brokerage

Our customs team rely on decades of experience to provide efficient and economical customs entry services for your global shipments. Since Brexit, this now includes European customs declaration services too. We are experienced in all types of customs procedures and specialist customs regimes. Therefore, whether arranging customs clearance as part of our door-door international services, or as your one-stop customs broker, you are guaranteed peace of mind. We provide a range of UK and overseas customs services, as outlined below.

Complete Logistic Solutions Pvt Ltd

Our Custom Brokerage Services



Import services from major ports throughout the globe, with fast and effective delivery turnarounds once docked in the UK.



Flexible export ocean services, through to all major ports, with a global network that provide a fast and efficient door delivery service.


Full Loads (FCL)

Through contracts and relationships with the world’s major carriers, we provide the most flexible options for Full Container Load (FCL) traffic worldwide.


Part Loads (LCL)

Consolidated LCL services via the fastest transits, based on weekly schedules to and from hundreds of locations around the world.


Buyer Consols

Consolidate your purchase orders from multiple vendors via our buyer consolidation services to ensure the most economical ocean freight costs.


Project Cargo

Our specialist project team are experts in providing specialist equipment and cost-effective solutions to the most challenging of movement types.



Customs declaration services in the UK and abroad, including in-depth knowledge of procedures and specialist regimes, to ensure fast clearance.